Are you still undecided about the COVID-19 vaccines? | TMC DOCumentaries

The COVID-19 vaccines are arriving soon, and yet you don’t know which variant you prefer, and if at all, you will raise your hand for it. Imagine yourself consulting your trusted doctor about the PROs and CONs of the different vaccines – this is exactly what that conversation will sound like.

I am just not comfortable with a fast-tracked experimental medicine. I've been burned by recalled medications in the past. There are too many cases of dreadful consequences resulting from the vaccinations.

Everything he says are theoretical or based only of what he reads or hears. No one can really say how vaccines work internally not until after several years that side effects may occur. Remember it’s still experimental vaccine. Take it at ur own risk! 50% of US doctors & 1/3 of US military refuse to take the vaccine

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