Good governance may lead the People's better way of living.

Almost all of the presidential candidates are promising change and laying an ambitious platform. As for my point of view, let's not go far any further, because we can already see the root of poverty in the Philippines. what are they?

  • First and foremost is the lack of a good livelihood
  • The price of the basic needs of the Filipino people is too expensive
  • Low minimum wage
  • Unregulated hospital fees and corrupted health care system
  • Poor implementation of public transport system
  • Unfair enforcement of laws
  • Poor social security system
  • Poor policy in our education system
  • Lack of public information about the government laws in national and LGU's level.
  • The things I have mentioned are what people need the most and are not given the right solution or taking the appropriate steps to resolve what has been afflicting the Filipino people for so long.

    There are many flowery promises but when the presidential candidate takes his seat to office, the welfare of poor juan dela cruz is put aside. and same as before, you're going to stare again for six years, and then you're going to stick to the politician's promises again. how many decades have passed that almost no change is happening in our country..the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

    let me elaborate into more details the above mentioned issues that the government should have to prioritized.

    1) Lack of good livelihood - Most of the previous administration up to the current administration, has promised changes in the livelihood of the Filipino people, but until now, most of our countrymen have remained floating in the absence of opportunities for their daily needs. They remain poor without the opportunity to have a good source of income, many of our compatriots continue to ask, what is the government doing why they do not have solid steps to resolve poverty in the country so that every Filipino family can have a decent way of living. What should be the best solutions to make a living for those who cannot afford to work due to lack of education and skills, the disabled and the elderly. I think the right solution is to establish a government cooperative for small and medium entrepreneurs. A cooperative that will teach proper business methods and provide capital in an easy way of repayment. The government must also constantly monitor the members of the cooperative who have been given the opportunity to do business and thus ensure the cooperative success on every business started by each of its members.

    2) Expensive basic needs - Constantly rising prices of basic needs of the people such as rice, sugar, salt, vegetables, fish, meat, electricity, internet, water, and other things of the people's daily needs. Why are prices always going up? most government alibis is because the price of gasoline is high. but the reason I see is the lack of DTI in the method of enforcing the value of each basic commodities, the DTI must have a strong implementation of enforcing the right price of basic commodities in the market. and the government should intensify the fair tax system, and government subsidies rather than impose them on the shoulders of juan dela cruz, which should be the responsibility of the government.

    3) Low minimum wage - The labor sector has also been fighting for decades when it comes to an adequate minimum wage. what is our legislator doing in this matter? Why in the last decade not a single brave legislator has passed a law on a fair minimum wage for workers. almost all of the basic commodities in the country have gone up but until now the minimum wage in imperial manila is less than 600 pesos and the minimum wage in the provinces is less than 500 pesos. I think it's time to sit down and implement at least 800 pesos minimum wage across the country for every Filipino worker to have an adequate living.

    4) Unregulated hospital fees and corrupted healthcare system - In the Philippines, it is absolutely forbidden to get sick because the disease may get worse when you find out that during your one day stay in the hospital, your hospital bills are almost twenty thousand pesos immediately and that does not include the doctors professional fee. Why can't our legislator do anything to regulate the charges for private and government hospitals. I think this issue needs to be given priority and attention because a patient most likely blindfolded while paying the hospital bills. The country’s healthcare system must provide 100% coverage especially if an hospitalized individuals is a tax payer, and pays monthly healthcare contributions. consideration should also be given to our unfortunate compatriots to be provided with free medical assistance in the speedy processing of financial assistance. often because the patient is already dead while the relative is still trying of asking for help from the government's charity services.

    5) Poor Implementation of Public Transport System - Have you experienced riding the LRT/MRT, it's too crowded isn't it? how about riding a jeep and bus? It's also too crowded isn't it? who should enforce the correct way to get on and off from public transport? of course the government isn't it? but why is it like that, decades have passed but our commuters still remain unorganized and undisciplined in the proper boarding and disembarkation of public transport. In my opinion, this is one of the things that needs to be focused on and intensified the implementation of proper traffic laws and thus educate people on the proper disembarkation and boarding of public transport. and when it comes to MRT/LRT Public Transport, only seating capacity should be allowed inside the train so that passengers may not have some kind of changing their faces inside the train because it is also too crowded. Simple techniques to smooth the boarding and disembarking of commuters seem to be very difficult to implement. Hopefully, future government officials will be censored in adjusting the permanent traffic law so that it will be convenient for every passenger to get off and board in public transport.

    6) Unfair enforcement of laws - Unfair law enforcement is one of the problems of the Filipino people. for example in traffic law if you notice that most of the traffic enforcers suddenly catch you and say you have a violation without knowing or getting proper sign or information along the road, lack of proper traffic sign or traffic information is the main cause of confusion in the municipal, city, or national road. These problem must have to address, so that people are aware of the roads they are passing..not everyone who passer -by on a road is legitimately living in that area. The selfless personal interest and proper public information for implementing law enforcement are needed for the Filipino people to know their rights and to be vigilant.

    7) Poor Social Security System - Our SSS or Social Security System has become the Social Sacrifice System, due to the extreme torture on members that it takes almost a year before a member gets his or her claims. always delay, always looking for a lot of requirements, until the members lossing their hope and they just let go his/her claims. there is a great lack of public information, and most of all they are not friendly to deal with the members, they think they are the highest authority of the land and the members feels like a beggar who's always keep coming back just to have their claims. This kind of unfriendly approach and disorganized system must put an end, so that the people could easily get their claims

    8) Poor policy in our education system - Many presidential aspirant have always promising the improvement of our education system but What is the point of improving the education system if the students have always an empty stomach when they go to school, and they don't have enough transport allowance to go to school. real talk, with many such young people today who are diligent in their studies but are forced to quit their studies due to the lack of financial support. perhaps the government should intensify financial support to students whose parents are unable to support their needs in school projects and other school needs. it is also better to intensify the feeding program from public to private schools. those are just a few of the major issues of students of the current generation.

    9) Lack of public information about government laws in National and LGU's level. - There are so many laws that exist in the philippines and almost all of them have loopholes, and are often abused and not used correctly. Many of our compatriots do not know the existing laws in our country due to lack of public information. It could have been shown on TV regularly so that people know the current laws that exist in the country, or it could have been published regularly on the front page of news papers and street banners or signage, for example in pedestrian lanes, the crosser will be shocked when they are suddenly arrested for allegedly violating the anti-jaywalking law, the poor people can do nothing but to pay the fine even though he/she knows that he/she did not see a warning sign that it is forbidden to cross.

    Who is the real victime of the long-running feud between Marcos and Aquino? |

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