SHOCKING - JIMENEZ TO BBM - May tiwala ka pa ba sa COMELEC?

Best solutions to secure the voting machine is to make it fully automated, which means you only need a client/server solutions without using memory card to transmit data from one machines to the other. All you need is a touch screen and paperless voting machine with thumb mark authentication to ensure the legit voters transmission. Meaning to say once the voters completing his/her vote, this will be automatically transmitted to the main server and store to the large data storage, and at the same time it will automatically print the hard copy on the main server side along the backup soft copy to secure the data. The solutions you need is the strong internet connection, VPN connectivity, Voting client machine which is a touch screen with finger print scanner, and the main server. Simple, secure and in-expensive solutions. This is just an idea to resolve cheating in the elections.

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