US epidemiologist explains why vaccines alone won't stop Delta

Harvard trained epidemiologist Dr Eric Feigl-Ding predicted in January last year that COVID-19 would be a "thermonuclear pandemic" and he has explained why he believes vaccines alone aren't the solution. The epidemiologist told A Current Affair host Tracy Grimshaw, "even for highly vaccinated countries relying on vaccines alone is not a panacea to stop Delta". (Broadcast August 11, 2021)

Calling to all medical expert to focus on the cure of COVID-19 infections than to rely the effectiveness of the vaccine. People are still getting infected after the complete vaccination and still be a possible carrier to spread the virus in the community. IVERMECTIN has been proven and tested to cure and prevent COVID-19 virus and i cannot imagine why they don't give much attention to approve this medicine which is very effective to fight covid. I'm not against the covid vaccine but lot of people are still hesitant to get the shot because of the incomplete clinical trial and the people knows that the vaccine wasn't approve by FDA and is being circulated worldwide under EUA or Emergency of Use Agreement and there's no guarantee that it can protect the people 100%. As the medical expert said, those who's got the complete vaccination are still prone to covid infections and they strongly advise to continue observe the health protocal by properly wearing facemask and faceshield, and the social distancing as well.

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