TIMELINE: Pandemic in the Philippines

Rappler looks back over the months the coronavirus crept its way into the country, and the actual lockdown implementation in March, April, and May – and sees patterns emerge.

Since the pandemic hits the world and kills many people and destroy livelihood, Where are we now? Is this the end of the world, is this part of depopulation? and many more questions that comeout in our mind..until now, the COVID-19 still exists and they are going strong as the mutation becomes more agressive and dangerous. What else we can do to escape from these nightmare, is there an other option to live safely, is there an other option to continue our livelihood despite of repeated lockdown?..Everybody must have to participate to fight these pandemic and the solutions is in our hand, in our discpline, the government alone cannot solve this problem and the politicians and government officials should unite to focus with the solutions. It is our duty to be more observer in these time of health emergency, We have to be more cautious and abide the health protocol. If we work together and we pray together, we can defeat these pandemic with GOD's help. - RFD

Now the COVID-19 Vaccine are being circulated worlwide under Emergeny of Use Agreement in between vaccine maker, WHO, and Government. FDA did not approved any of the vaccine due to immature clinical trial and because of this some people are hesitant to be vaccinated as they are afraid with the negative effect on their health conditions. Despite of this argument the vaccination was being pushthrough with hope that this will be a solutions to prevent the spreading of COVID infections. However, the vaccination wasn't mandatory as the government is trying to avoid conflict with people as they are aware that some people are not comfortable with any of the vaccine.

At the middle of vaccination process some cases of adverse effect has been reported like blood clot, neurological disorder, bell's palsy, & severe flu. Are we safe enough if we get a complete vaccination? this are the common questions from the people who's already been vaccinated. The answer is "not 100% safe" as the medical expert is repeatedly giving an advise to those who's already been vaccinated that if you are experiencing of huge headache, and breathing difficulties it is strongly advise to seek doctors assistance. and they are also reminding people to continue wearing facemask and faceshield as they are still vulnerable with COVID infections and can be a carrier as well even after the complete vaccination.

Vaccine is actually not the only options to defeat COVID, as other medical expert is pushing to use the IVERMECTIN & REMDESIVIR as a prevenention and cure against COVID. The IVERMECTIN still in the process of clinical trial and not yet approved by the FDA although some countries like India have already using it and has been successfully tested to cure COVID patient and has not been reported any bad side effect with the patient. The FDA has approved an antiviral drug called REMDISIVIR (Veklury) to treat COVID-19 in adults and children who are age 12 and older. Remdesivir may be prescribed for people who are hospitalized with COVID-19. It's given through a needle in the skin (intravenously).

Dexamethasone. The corticosteroid dexamethasone is one type of anti-inflammatory drug that researchers are studying to treat or prevent organ dysfunction and lung injury from inflammation. Studies have found that it reduces the risk for deaths by about 30% for people on ventilators and by about 20% for people who needed supplemental oxygen.

The U.S. National Institutes of Health has recommended this drug for people hospitalized with COVID-19 who are on mechanical ventilators or need supplemental oxygen. Other corticosteroids, such as prednisone, methylprednisolone or hydrocortisone, may be used if dexamethasone isn't available. Dexamethasone and other corticosteroids may be harmful if given for less severe COVID-19 infection. It is strongly advise to seek doctors prescription before using it.

With the above treatment and solutions to defeat COVID infections, what else do we have to do to make sure that we cannot be infected or we cannot infect others? As i mentioned earlier the best thing we can do is to oberserve the health protocol by properly wearing facemask and faceshield, observe social distancing at anytime, properly use of personal hygene, handwash with alcohol. These are the things that we need to implement with ourselves and could be part of our daily routine. Let's take care ourselves, and let's take care others. Our good endeavour would have a positive results to defeat COVID. Nonetheless, just continue praying and seek the HELP of our almighty GOD.

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