Israel faces COVID surge despite sweeping vaccinations

Israel was the first country to achieve the vaccination of 80 percent of its eligible population. But now it is back in the fourth wave of COVID, with the number of new cases rising to more than 6,000 per day. The government is now calling on citizens over 60 to get a third dose which, raising concerns about the disparity of vaccine distribution around the world.

That (3rd shots in UK and Europe) will spark the debate about whether a fourth shot will be needed.” Give me a break. It can’t be any more obvious.

Back in April Gibraltar had fully vaccinated very close to 100% of its citizens. This month the CDC added Gibraltar to the list of very high risk countries to travel to. Gibralter's covid cases are up 2500%. Why is this happening? there must be something fishy or something wrong with the procedure and lack of advisory to the public about the continuation of health protocol after the complete vaccination because as everybody knows that the vaccine doesn't have a complete protection until they finally completing the global testing of the vaccine. Does it make sense? - RFD

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