August 17, 2021-During the conversation between Doctors Fidel Fernandez and Jose Oclarit, they revealed that the RT-PCR test conducted by the DOH led by Francisco Duque was wrong, according to them, which is why the case of covid19 in our country is increasing because in the wrong way done by doctors and hospitals.

I think they are suggesting to include Standards and Controls for running a sample on the laboratory machine which I agree because the machine could have calibration issues which can result false positive or worst is false negative, I think confirmatory testing on a different machine should also be implemented to assure its accuracy of result if positive.

The argument here is about how the RT-PCR test treated, it is actually make sense of what they are saying.. And also there is no clear explanation about the asymptomatic with covid positive results. Simple flu becomes covid infected base on the RT-PCR test results, no wonder why the COVID-19 infections increases rapidly because of false results. I wish there will be a well train medical technologies to operate the diagnostic test properly. - RFD

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