Marquez trains for bout with Pacquiao in Philippines

Wednesday 31st August, 2011 (Source: USA Today)

Marquez trains for bout with Pacquiao in Philippines
Updated 4h 59m ago Comments 1 MANILA, Philippines (AP) – Mexican boxer Juan Manuel Marquez has started training in the Philippines for his November fight against Manny Pacquiao in Las Vegas.

Fans snapped pictures of Marquez jogging in a downtown Manila park only hours after he arrived from Los Angeles on Thursday.

His third matchup with Pacquiao in what already has been an epic series is set for Nov. 12 at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas (HBO . Marquez said he's preparing mentally and working on his speed and power.

The Mexican told reporters he's friends with Pacquiao outside the ring and "inside the ring he's a great fighter." The two are scheduled to hold a joint news conference Saturday.

Marquez, 38, and Pacquiao, 32, have met twice. Their first fight in 2004 ended in a draw, and Pacquiao won the second meeting in 2008 on a controversial split decision.

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